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Through cooperation with Granite Falls First United Methodist Church, Soul Good Ministries provides a bag of non-perishable food items for low-income households in Caldwell County, North Carolina.  Members of this organization meet twice per month to prepare cloth grocery bags full of food. The price to create a bag is $6.00.  They then load the bags in vehicles, travel to various neighborhoods in Caldwell County, and walk door to door delivering these bags of food and praying with the families who receive them.  Each bag has basic grocery items and the food needed to make a family sized meal. Local drives take place for the needed items, as well as Facebook item signups, through the Soul Good page. Soul Good Ministries not only feeds the mouths of these families, but feeds their souls by ministering to their needs and their concerns, while building relationships and forming friendships. Anyone is welcome to be a part of this ministry, by helping gather food, preparing the bags, delivering food or all of the above!  In the Gospels, Jesus shares a meal with His followers regularly. Jesus knew that to do His work on earth, our bodies need to be fed, as well as our souls. Humans need food, but they also need the fellowship of the sharing of the meal. Shea Bolick saw this need originally serving on multiple trips with her youth group in Costa Rica with Rice and Beans Ministries. She recognized the need not just internationally, but in her own community and felt that the international missions trained her and her youth to use their own abilities in their hometown. As a youth group leader and a school teacher, she knew that there was a great need for “feeding” in Caldwell County, but after much research the statistics proved just how great this need was.   In 2015 15% of Caldwell County residents were food insecure, meaning that these residents did not know when they would receive or how to obtain their next meal. That is roughly 12,460 people. 4,340 children fall into this category, but only 74 of them are actually getting free and reduced lunch in their schools. Only 12 of those children are receiving this assistance in the summer.  (  Soul Good Ministries believes these statistics need to be changed.  Many residents of Caldwell County do not have the means to travel to receive the assistance that they need.  Soul Good Ministries will come to them, with this door to door ministry. They have prayed about this ministry for quite some time and know that it is God driven! In the 5th chapter of Acts believers are shown boldness in the midst of fear or not feeling well equipped, but it assures that God equips the called.  Acts 5: 38-39 has guided Soul Good Ministries through its creation. This organization is His plan and it can’t be overthrown. Come serve boldly and see how Soul Good it is!

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Making A Difference



With our organization’s mission always in mind, we go door to door in Caldwell County to give bags of food to families and build relationships with them in the name of Jesus. Our goal is to make a positive impact, feed families and provide support to those in need. Join us on the first and third Saturdays of the month at 9:00am at Granite Falls First United Methodist Church.  Contact us here to learn more about our commitment to this cause or sign up up yourself or a group to assist us.


At Soul Good Ministries, we are dedicated to stepping up our efforts in addressing the issue of hunger in Caldwell County. Food Donations are key to making this ministry be successful. Through cooperation and community empowerment we believe we can facilitate progress in this area. We are always striving to make a difference, and invite you to learn more and lend your support.  Please click here to fill out the Google Form and become a Soul Good Groupie.

Packing Cans


With this initiative, our goal is to promote great opportunities for those in need. With access to the right resources and with bodies and souls being fed, people can become empowered by their own abilities and gain the confidence to fulfill their potential.

Refer your family or another family by private messaging us and let us know your/their need- whether it is for food, prayer, or a service.

Are you a community member or business that needs volunteers or that has or sees a need? (Road clean up, projects, construction)  Let's work together to get that need taken care of!  All project requests are welcome to be submitted. Click here!


Purchase a $20.00 Soul Good shirt and feed 2 families! Please send all donations and your shirt size to: 

Granite Falls FUMC 

Attn. Soul Good Ministries

9 Lakeside Ave. 

Granite Falls, NC 28630

OR click this link to purchase online.

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"Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men."

Acts 5: 38-39

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